Curly and Daisy Dinosaur Birthday Party

What makes us smile? It’s the simple things. Things like family. And Moms and dads, making birthdays magical for their little ones. Or kids with a twinkle in their eye and a joie de vivre that shimmers and spreads like the sun on people around them. It’s getting to be there on special days, watch children smile, and look back over the years to see how beautifully a family grows. Thank you for inviting us to be a part of your lives! Guess there’s a reason why they say it’s the little things that make the world go round. We are absolutely loving all these beautiful, magical, so-called “simple things.” They’re kind of a big deal to us…❤️




Curly & Daisy Childrens Premier Entertainers |

832-768-2319 | | 945 McKinney St, #375, Houston TX 77002

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